We now have an entire page devoted to balloon competition. If you have ever wondered what happens at a balloon competitive event there are several great videos that explain many of the competitive events that are run at a balloon competition. Keep checking back because we are adding more andContinue Reading

So I have made a few changes to the site. First thing was to get the menu link to the new Competition Video Tutorials out from under the Video Tutorials drop down since it was not showing on a small screen properly. The next item was to change the lastContinue Reading

We now have a new section in the Download area. If you mouse over the Download Menu link above you will see a link for Video Tutorials. There is a new Sub-category called “Competition Video Tutorials” On that page is the first of many to come about how some ofContinue Reading

We now have a new section in the Download area.  If you mouse over the Download Menu link above you will see a link for Video Tutorials.  There is a new Sub-category called “Competition Video Tutorials”  On that page is the first of many to come about how some ofContinue Reading

Well,  I am happy with the look. It took a full day of work to create all the “Photo Tiles” for the different shop categories and to create a product frame for the items in the shop but I am happy with the layout.  It looks clean and scales wellContinue Reading

Slowly but surely I am getting the store set up. I have created a product frame for the items in the store.  I have then used that frame to create category images as well as product images.  The frame is 800 px by 800 px.  This works good for theContinue Reading

We had our first purchase in the shop yesterday!  It was a FREE download but still it got me looking at the shop.  While we do not have products in the shop at this time we will!  So I need to take a look at the shops appearance and theContinue Reading

Again more NEW ADDITIONS to the Aviation-Ranch.com website.  I started by adding a new category to the postings pages for members.  This new category is “Swap Shop”  This is where members can post items they are looking for or have to sell or trade.  I stuck a few things inContinue Reading

These are for 20 gallon lay down tanks.  Will provide straps and buckles for installation.  These are for the 20 gallon tanks with the Oval service area.  They currently have brown colored marine grade vinyl but can be re-covered in a different color should you wish. Super Solid!  Makes aContinue Reading

I have several A-Blocks.  Most have pins and safety’s 125 Each or 4 for 400 Located in Disney Area. 407-670-5000Continue Reading

I have 4 Aerostar 20 gallon lay down tank covers.  They are all silver and in fair condition.  No rips or tears.  They ARE dirty but could be cleaned up.  Make offer. Located in the Disney Area. 407-670-5000Continue Reading

So I have been working on the site all over.  I have created an “Errors” page where someone can report an error on the site.  If you scroll down to the bottom of any of the pages you will find the Report an Error button.  I have also been workingContinue Reading

Hey PILOTS,  We were contacted on the Aviation-Ranch Facebook page by a gal named Stephanie.  She was cleaning up their hunting camp near the Aviation-Ranch and wondered if anyone does rides?  Here is her Facebook page if anyone would like to make contact with her. https://www.facebook.com/stephanie.brantley.10 Thank you gang,Continue Reading