So I get a text,  It was from Tom.  It said,  “We broke the cherry on that Aurora basket” Well,  I guess so!.  This was a basket that had a complete rehab done to repair all the damage on the basket, add new poly skids and replace ALL the leatherContinue Reading

This one took a few days to get right.  I have been working on weather apps for the site.  ON the front page there is a weather display that shows the current weather condigions for the Aviation-Ranch.  BUT..  under the Members menu link there is a page for Ranch Weather. Continue Reading

So you get a call from the repair station.  Your envelope passed but you need a new parachute. How can this be?  “you ask”. The balloon has less than 200 hours on it!  And I never fly it over loaded.  I am a little aggressive when I fly competition butContinue Reading

So I have spent the morning working on our front page. The first area on the page was the “Welcome to our site” section (Section A Left) The text there was hard to read and not matter what settings I used it still did not look good. The answer wasContinue Reading

Just finished setting up all the photo galleries.  We now have 12 galleries.  Ranch Events, Balloon Events, Ranch Launches, Ranch Flying, General balloon shots, crew Photos, Pilot Photos, Favorite Balloon Photo, seminar Events, Cookouts, Ballooning bonfire, After Flight Tailgate Celebrations. There is a form at the bottom of all ofContinue Reading

MEMBERS! You can now add an event on the AR Calendar.  “LOG IN” and navigate to the calendar page.  Once you are logged you will see the Add an Event link just below the calendar.  Click on that link and you can create an event for the calendar. Please keepContinue Reading

We now have the ability for our Members to be able to share their photos with all of us!  Just “LOG IN” and navigate to the Photo Gallery where you will find our new photo submission form.  Just fill out the information and submit your photo.  You can submit upContinue Reading

WE now have a posting form for members. MEMBERS!  you can now make a post in the Aviation-Ranch news!  Just log in and go to the News page and scroll to the bottom of the page.  There you will find a form you can use to make a new postContinue Reading

This is a test post for the Ranch Work category.  Grab your gloves and bring a drink.  Roll up your sleeves and dive on in.  Plenty to do while we build a place for all.Continue Reading