You have just received a booking for a Shared Cordele balloon flight.
Here are the booking details.
Flight DATE: January 4, 2025
Passenger Name:
Regina Harrell
743 Cole Drive
Macon GA 31217
Passenger Email: reginawhite24@icloud.com
Passenger Phone: +19512653269
Other Passenger Names: 2
Passenger Weights: 107lbs, 183lbs
Reason for flight: New Booking
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Order details:
Your Order
Balloon Flight × 1 × 2 $ 550.00
Total $ 550.00
– Deposit $ 150.00
– Final Payment (on arrival) $ 400.00
Balloon Flights are weather dependent. While we have many reasons we want to take you flying the one reason we are a stickler over is safety. Remember we are going up there with you! While we understand how frustrating having a flight cancelled can be, we want you to understand that we simply will not take chances. We want you to remember your flight with us for many years to come. A balloon flight can be an amazing adventure, Please help us make it the best it can be.
The Aviation-Ranch Pilots and Ground Team.