Ranch Members!
This is from the Ranch Web Guy,

Welcome new members!

Recently we have had many new members register with the site!  Thank you and welcome.  If you are getting this email then all of your registrations information is correct.  You will now receive newsletters and as a member on the site you can log in and participate in many things all over the site that a visitor (Guest) cannot even see!

Here are just some of the things YOU as a member can do.

  • Post an event on the calendar!  Are you going to a balloon festival, event, competition of some kind?  Share it with the other members.  Post the event on the Aviation-Ranch.com events calendar!  Log in and go to the events calendar and you will find a link just below the calendar “Add an Event” Click on that and fill out the form!
  • Post an article or news topic!  As a member you can go to the Members tab at the top of the page.  When the drop down opens there is a link for “Member Posting”.  You can use this link to create a post about any balloon related topic you wish.  There are several categories to choose where your post should appear and you can even upload an image!  So let us know what you are up to!  Could be an event or a new student or even a new chase truck or trailer or any balloon related news!  Tell us a story about a balloon adventure you have had. We love it when our members participate!
  • As a member (logged in) you will also see many more tabs in the Download center!  A guest will only see 4 items listed in the download center but a logged in member will see 7 drop down categories.  So log in and check out some of the “Members Only” items in the download center.
  • Try out the online Private LTA test or go to the Ranch Pole (Poll) barn and answer a few of the polling questions there.  See how your responses compare to other members.  There are a bunch of really great questions that will make you think a bit.

So welcome new members!  

Log in and see all the Members Only things on the Aviation-Ranch.com site!  Participate and help others by sharing your insight, experience, and wisdom!  We are happy to have you as a member.

The Web Guy,

Don’t forget to tell your fellow Ballooners to sign up too!