So I have been working on the site all over.  I have created an “Errors” page where someone can report an error on the site.  If you scroll down to the bottom of any of the pages you will find the Report an Error button.  I have also been working on the membership form.  It seems that the code I had on the page included an extra three content entry boxes that messed up the entire form.  If you filled them out and hit submit it would clear the form and you would not become a member on the site.  It seems that some of the codeing used was similar or identical to the code I was using for the Newsletter sign up.  So that was placing those extra boxes on the page.  It took a few hours of searching to find the code that needed to be altered and get those extra boxes off that page.  I have now sucessfully created a new member using that form. 

Another issue I had to work on was the News Page.  On the news page I have blocks on the page that show postings in the different categories.  I changed the name of a couple of the categories and I have included a few categories within the feed.  This means that if someone posts in the Members Stories category it will appear in both the Members Stories and Ranch Events block.  I will slim them down when we have more postings on the site to fill those boxes.  I have also set Excerpt lengths to show just a little text of the content in the post.  This appears in the side bar block that scrolls the last (or most current) posts.  I have embeded a link in the title of the post so a visitor can click on the post title and be taken to the article.

I also re-aranged some of the blocks to represent a specific order of topics.  More common or important topics are near the top of the page and lesser ones are located lower on the page.  I have also created a Frame for post images.  This will help keep the postings to be consistant and keep the page from jumping up and down when the block scrolls. 

I realize that much of this does not register with visitors but it does help present an overall image for the site.  We are trying to create a place where pilots can share stories and tips, tricks and advice about all things ballooning but also keep the site geared for the visitor who knows nothing about ballooning and wants to learn more. 

In addition I have also added some new files in the download center.  Some of the files are member protected so that a visitor can not see them or see the download link.  If you find a page like this then just log in to view them.  I have also placed links to become a member all over the site.  There are two different links on the site.  ONE for becoming a member on the site and another for signing up to view or receive the newsletter.  One of the items on my list is to create an arcive for newsletters so in the future new members can review past newsletters.

Now if I can just get Tom or Jessica to write one..  Please sign up for the newsletter.  Click Here.  Or better become a member by Clicking Here.