So I have spent the morning working on our front page. The first area on the page was the “Welcome to our site” section (Section A Left) The text there was hard to read and not matter what settings I used it still did not look good. The answer was to create an image for that spot. The next item was (Section B) This is the area just below the welcome message. Here I had three sections to fill with content. I chose to include a news search bar and a calendar in the first area. A “New Members” section that slides images of new members and an announcement area with a sliding image section tied to the Announcements category of the posting section on the site. The last section on the page is the content section. There are three sections in this area. First area I posted a blurb about the download center. The middle section I have added buttons. I have installed both a “Member Sign-up” button and a “Newsletter Sign-up” button. The last section (on the right) I have posted a nice balloon video and a blurb about visiting our Balloon videos page. Now all I have to do is create a “Balloon Videos” page! LOL.. The more I get done the more there is to do. BUT… Send me a note and tell me how you like the site and what you want to see on the site!!! Have a great day!