Welcome to the Aviation-Ranch Pole (poll) Barn.

Below you will find a bunch of great questions you may (or should) consider for each Adventure into Aerostation.  Be honest and when you submit your answers.  Once you have made a selection you will see how your answers compare to others who have also answered that question.  ALL of these things are great to review.

Surface Winds

What is your limit on surface winds at launch time.

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Pilot Pre-Flight

Do you use a pre-flight checklist?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.


If you have an overcast layer.  How high must it be for you to fly?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Pre-Flight Passenger Brief

How do you brief your passengers before a flight.

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Winds aloft

What is the highest wind speed at 1,000 ft AGL that is acceptable for you to fly in?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Quick Release

Do you use a quick release tie off!

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Landing Speeds

At what wind speed do you feel a lay down landing is inevitable?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Pre-Landing Checklist

Do you have and use a landing Checklist

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Student Training

If you are training a student pilot do you allow passengers on the flight.

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.


While flying do you carry or use a Compass

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.


How far away from a level 4 or 5 thunderstorm is acceptable?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.


What visibility is acceptable for you to fly in?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Fuel Check

Do you check your fuel before each flight and how?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Do you wear gloves?

Do you wear gloves when you fly and what kind?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Drop line

Do you have a drop line on board?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Fuel Reserve

At what point to you consider the amount of fuel left in a tank to be your reserve fuel?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Pilot Lights

When do you light your pilot lights?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Burner Test

Do you fire up your burners before you begin your inflation?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

Competition Flying

Do you fly in Balloon Competition?

If 'Other' is filled, checked answers are ignored.

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