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Aviation Ranch Flight Services.

We are a FULL SERVICE balloon facility.  We offer Check Rides, Flight instruction, Flight Reviews, Private & Commercial LTA Instruction, Currency flights and Ratings add on's, Refresher courses and so much more.  In addition to all of our aerial instruction options we also provide ground school and even accommodations while you are at the ranch.  We urge you to become a member on our site to learn more about this amazing ballooning facility.

Membership is FREE, CLICK HERE.

Use the form below to give us some information about your flight needs and we will tailor an educational program just for you!

Fly well, Have FUN & BE SAFE

"The Ranch Gang"


    What is a good contact phone number for you?


    How would you like to be contacted?


    Tell us what Flight Service(s) you are interested in?


    Do you have an FAA Pilot rating currently

    Are you currently LTA Rated?

    How long have you been flying balloons

    Are you current?

    Do you have a current Flight Review?

    What is the date of your last flight review.

    Will you need a place to stay while you are visiting the ranch?

    What type of accommodation will you need?

    How many people will you have in your group including you?

    Are you human?
    Please answer the question below.


    Optional Services

    Private Pilot Training


    Description Area

    Commercial Pilot Training


    Description Area

    Rating Add On

    Already a part 61 certificate holder and want to add an LTA Rating to your current certificate?  We can do this!

    Refresher Course

    Has it been a while since you have been flying?  Do you need to go over your procedures from start to finish.  This is a great course for those who have set their ballooning aside for a wile and want ot get back into it.  Since you are already LTA Rated the refresher course can be accomplished in a day or two.  We will review everything from gathering your weather information and making that go/no go decision, to flight planning, assembly and inflation to landing and recovery.  Shine up those skills before you go out.  This flight can also be combined with a flight review if you need.

    Discovery Flight

    Learn what its like to be a Balloon Pilot.  Take a flight with one of our top notch flight instructors and see the process from their prospective.  Learn about Weather considerations, Flight Planning, equipment assembly, The inflation process, How to land a balloon, Equipment Recovery and so much more.  Find out if getting your pilots license is something you wish to pursue.

    Continuing Education


    Description Area

    Flight Review

    Required by FAA regulations this is a REAL Flight Review.  As per 14 CFR § 61.56 - Flight review, we will preform a proper flight review and endorse your log book.

    The Observer Flight

    This is similar to a flight review with one exception.  There will be no questions asked during the flight.  You will go through an extensive after flight de-briefing.  The observer is a high hour commercial pilot who will evaluate your entire flight from start to finish.  They will talk about everything they were a witness to from the time you drive into the launch field to returning from the flight.  They will go over the potential issues that could arise from your procedures, ground crew hazards, equipment issues, and even flight skills and technique.  Imagine getting 50 years of experience focused on your flying.  Learn the things you could do better and things you could do differently.  Learn where the potential hazards and how to avoid an incident or accident.  The goal of this flight service is to show you how to be a better pilot.  This is not a flight for the easily offended.  We take this flight service extremely seriously.  This is the flight training for the pilot who wants to improve their flight skills whether they are flying for fun, a competitive pilot or even a ride pilot.