We are thrilled you would like to be a part of the Aviation-Ranch Balloon Ride Network. 

Here are a few things you should know.

  • We will do everything in our power to make sure that your calendar and location is found by people who are looking for balloon rides in your area.  Typically when we add a new location it takes about 6-8 weeks to get that operator ranking well on the search engines, so be patient.  We will submit your calendar and page to Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yelp.  We will also include links on the main menu on Aviation-Ranch.com
  • The next thing we would like for you to understand is that we are going to customize your calendar to your locations information just for your operation.  Below you will find a bunch of questions we will need to know to create your custom passenger "Confirmation email".  When a potential passenger selects a date and places a deposit they will be sent an email that tells them all about what comes next.  You will also get two emails.  One will be a copy of what the passenger has been sent so you are aware of the exact information they were sent.  You will also receive a short email that gives you the basics of the passenger information.  Flight date, passenger qty, and contact information.
  • There will be a small monthly fee of $135 to maintain the online booking calendar and provide you an email where you can request changes to the calendar.  You can also request changes to your calendar availability and the passenger and balloon quantity as well.  Your custom calendar can handle as many passengers as you like.  We can also block off any dates as you wish. WE can also make a private ride booking calendar and a shared (non-private) calendar for your location.
  • The last thing you should know is that bookings will require the passenger to pay a $25 deposit per passenger.   The $25 deposit that is placed per person is donated to the Maverick Division of the Aviation-Ranch.  You can read more about the Maverick Division in the News Section on the main site.  We will stress to the passenger that the deposit is a non-refundable deposit and it going to a worthy balloon charity.

SO..  If you are ready to be part of the balloon ride network please sign up below and we will get started on your booking calendar.

    Who is going to be our contact person?

    What email should we use?

    What is the company name?

    What is your meeting location?

    What flights do you provide?

    What is/are your meeting time(s)?

    Our AM meeting time is AM

    Our afternoon meeting time is PM

    What is your per passenger price?
    $per pax
    $ per couple

    What is your check in policy?

    What is/are the Check in time(s) for your flights?

    For an AM flight we want them to call us between

    For a PM Flight we want them to call us

    Describe your check in policy or procedure. Do they call you or you call them or email / Text? How do the passengers find out if the flight is a go.

    Do you have any current black out dates?

    What is your website?

    Provide a logo